Top Reasons Students Fail the Written Driving Test

According to CBS News, “A new survey of 500 drivers found that 44 percent couldn’t get a passing score on a written driving test.” If that many actual drivers have trouble with the test, it is no wonder that people taking the exam for the first time fail regularly. In fact, some studies show that more than 60% of teens seeking to get their permit will not pass on the first try.

Obviously, anyone interested in having the legal right to drive should identify the reasons why so many people fail and then learn solutions so that they will not make the same mistake themselves.

The Complex

This happens more often to older adults who have been driving for some time, but it could be a problem for teens as well. They have ridden in cars all of their life. They have even driven from time to time when learning. They know how to drive and have no reason to study, right? Wrong. There are questions on the written exam that will throw even the best drivers in the country for a loop, so it is important for anyone, no matter their age, to prepare themselves for the test. Don’t fall victim to the “I already know how to drive” complex or you may find yourself retaking that exam.

The Cram Session

Often, when students are preparing for a test in school, they will wait until the last minute and try to remember everything they should study in one long cram session that lasts until the wee hours of the morning. There are a few problems with this, though. You will be deprived of sleep, making it very hard to focus the next day and this could cost you a passing grade on the test. Additionally, you will only have the answers in your short term memory and will forget them soon after. That could result in more than one ticket when you actually get out on the road.

Just Reading

Many people approach study for their driver’s license exam in one particular way. They read the DMV book over and over again. However, psychology experts have indicated that is just not an effective way to study. At some point, you actually will not be remembering or even registering what is written on the page. Instead, you need to participate in active study. That means highlighting or underlining important information, summarizing pages, or having someone quiz you on sections. The more active you are, the more information you will retain.

Tension and Fear

Many students who know all the right answers seem to forget everything the moment they walk through the doors of the DMV. Test anxiety is a common problem, especially for those afraid of failure. If you find that you get tense and frightful right before exams, try some relaxation techniques like taking several deep breaths, enjoying aromatherapy, taking a hot bath, or even participating in yoga in the hours before you exam.

Statistics say students do fail the written driving test regularly, but you don’t have to be just a number. Once you learn why so many fail, you should find it much easier to make adjustments and pass.

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